Zero oil emissions

just clear exhaust

The liquid ring vacuum pump creates it’s suction power on water and emits no oil. This, very clean type of operation, makes the liquid ring pump the suitable choice for urban applications and protection of operators’ health.

Compared to a vane pump, the liquid ring pump ensures a clean and safe working environment with a 100% clean exhaust.

Tests of vane pumps show that a 1200 m3/h vane pump will emit several liters of harmful oil into the air during a normal working day. Causing a damaging and unhealthy environment, both for operators and citizens.

If gas powered, the blowers will generate emissions simiar to small gas engines.

The vane pumps emit several liters of harmful oil into the air during a workday.

The liquid ring vacuum pumps use only water, so the emissions are clear exhaust.

Oil and gas emissions are harmful for operators and passersby and ruining surroundings

The increasing awareness on pollution draws attention. Besides ruining quality of life for operators in hazardous environments, emissions also ruin surroundings. Oil films and stains on roads, pavements and buildings are becoming unacceptable. E.g. in city centers with historical buildings and monuments authorities are regulating equipment not complying with strict measures on emissions. This is also effecting vacuum trucks and there environmental footprint.

Henry Torp Madsen

Manager Global Sales

Ready to make the switch to liquid ring technology that offers consistency and high performance for vacuum trucks?

Liquid ring pumps are quiet in operation, preserving peaceful surroundings. Ensuring better work environment.

Ready to make the switch to more sustainable vacuum trucks that meet the future legislations and regulations?